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Re: [ga] Internationalized Domain Names deployed

On Mon, 23 Jun 2003 17:02:25 +0200, you wrote:

>Anyway, it is a matter to be settled at a national level. Completely
>off-topic for ICANN.

Well... but who is going to make policies in this field (if any)
regarding gTLDs? 

If you could tie up any possible IDN string to a single language, you
could decide to apply for that string the rules decided locally for
that language (i.e. use the French rules for libertè.com, but the
Italian ones for libertà.com). But this is clearly impossible in

So either someone (perhaps CENTR and other ccTLD associations?) can
come up with best practices for variant tables to be applied at the
global level, or we won't be able to have any policy in the field.

Also, to reply to Marc:

>It may also lead to
>people feeling forced to register an additional 7, 8, 9 domains with all
>possible accents on the vowels (in many European languages). This will
>only benefit the registries and registrars.

This is why I think that registrants should get the whole registration
bundle (the set of all equivalent variants) at the price of a single
vb.                  [Vittorio Bertola - vb [at] bertola.eu.org]<---
-------------------> http://bertola.eu.org/ <-----------------------
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