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[ga] NAT - North American Transport...nomadic tribes and regions...

The Internet has empowered "Nomadic People" to operate in cyberspace and overcome "meat-space people".
Most North Americans (NAT - North American Transport) only watch nomadic tribes in other parts of the world,
on their cable TV, but they are not aware of the nomadic activities of their own population. The name-space and
address-space debates make little sense to nomadic people, because they are able to quickly move on to another
venue, when the one they are in ceases to make progress. Meat-space people have trouble moving because they
are locked into physical venues and spend their resources moving to and from those venues, and attempting to
tell the cyberspace world that those venues will result in progress. The nomadic tribes live off of the meat-space
people, and continue to operate with higher and higher levels of efficiency, while the meat-space people remain
stuck in time and place, attempting to defend their lifestyles, which they have to fund from each other. Meat-space
people allow nomadic cyberspace people to enter their venues and never note that the only investment the
nomadic person may have in getting there is a plane ticket, cab fare and funding for a used three-piece-suit from
the local Goodwill store. Business cards from some global corporate machine may help to convince the meat-space
people that the nomadic cyberspace people should be allowed to invade their venues. Representatives from some
unknown or obscure "government", half-way around the world, may also be a ticket to enter. Traditional meat-space
people can be totally baffled by nomadic cyberspace people who are totally defined by the images presented on
glass CRTs or LCD panels. Meat-space people gravitate to having face-to-face meetings and then sit in those
meetings with LCD panels to view what the other people are saying. Many meat-space people are totally clueless
because they have spent very little time in cyberspace and they can not imagine being nomadic. They help to slow
progress in meat-space venues to a crawl. They delegate everything to cyberspace visitors to those meat-space
venues, and they never stop to think about how little impact they have and the fact that the cyberspace visitors are
living off them, laughing all the way to the bank.

An educated meat-space population, that also spends time in cyberspace, will change the North American Transport
(NAT). There will be a coming together of the meat-space and cyberspace venues. Vistors from some obscure
place half-way around the world, will be ignored by the new, more savy, meat-space/cyber-space netizens. The
coming generations of children will have been educated partly in cyberspace and will not fall prey to the nomadic
visitors who have little or no investment in the meat-space venues. The next-generation InterNAT will combine the
cyberspace and meat-space experiences, yielding more stable "tribes" that are defined not only by their common
ties to meat-space venues, but also common language ties in name-spaces. The address-spaces take care of
themselves, and are a necessary evil to make networks...work. Meat-space land (dirt) issues are similar in nature.
The nomadic benefits of cyberspace will of course not be tossed aside, they will help to enhance the meat-space
experiences. Education will be the key to making the tribes strong. Illiterate netizens, meeting mostly in meat-space,
will have less and less impact. Why would anyone want to waste their time (and money) in such venues ?

There are 4 Tribal Regions taking shape on the North American Transport (NAT). They are partly defined from
long histories of meat-space and cyberspace. The 2-letter TLDs help to shape their names.


It is an over-simplification to assume that the first region is French-speaking people who think they will move
to New Hampshire and then join up with Quebec to form a new country with access to the Atlantic Ocean.
Likewise, people may think that the second region is German doctors who visit the Vatican to get the Pope's
blessing on taking over Delaware. Then there are the folks who want to merge Texas and Mexico and bring
in Florida to form a country rich in oil and low-cost labor, with a lucrative travel market. Finally, the media
people have discovered how quickly Canada can be moved to LA and turned into the Emerald City down-under.

...from N to Z...NZ...

...follow the Yellow Brick Road...

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