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Re: [ga] Internationalized Domain Names deployed

On 20:37 23/06/03, James Seng said:
>It always amazed me that citizen of country X thinks they have rights to 
>decide over how country Y operates.
>Do you understand the concept of "National Sovereignity"?


But, James, let not forget that Europe to function had to forge the English 
word "concertation", copying on the Latin usual understanding to address 
the need to independently and sovereignly work together in the same 
direction; if each participant wants it. The only English word to support a 
similar concept is "coordination" which implies a common authority instead 
of a common servant.

FYI: concertation
1 entry found for concertation.
\Con`cer*ta"tion\, n. [L. concertatio.] Strife; contention. [Obs.] --Bailey.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

This is the whole problem of ICANN. Joe Sims illustrated it well in a post 
on this GA. He perfectly described what a "concertation" (European meaning) 
should be among the Internance. And concluded this was "coordination", so 
ICANN needed to lead it.

Another problem is that "National Sovereignty" is a descriptive concept. 
Sovereignty is embodied by States. And if States were to take the first 
role, relations with private sector and civil society would be  complex and 
lengthy to organize anew. Actually the only existing forum for that is ITU 
(while the WSIS gives UN a good opportunity to promote/organize the 
representation of the Civil Society). But ITU-T is certainly not a good 
place for the Internet. This means that we have first to induce ITU in 
planning an ITU-I to interrelate with the Internance and to have ICANN to 
initiate a working group on relations with other international structures 
like ITU, UN, UNECO, WTO, WIPO etc. We also have ccTLDs to better structure 
themsleves, users communities governance to emerge and nomenclatures and 
other name spaces authorities to federate..Then we may have a generalized 
framework acceptable to everyone.

Last but not least, however Paul Twomey seems to go boldly in the proper 
Legacy way (as actually did the ERC), we need to clarify if ICANN wants to 
be an open network support or a Legacy system administrator, and then what 
is the role of IAB and IETF in the New Networks Technologies, even if IAB 
actually tells in in not really moving towards a generalized architecture 

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