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Re: [ga] ITU Resolution 102 -- four years later

On 00:00 19/10/02, Ross Wm. Rader said:
>This might just be the most ridiculous line of reasoning that I've seen 
>for a long time. Either that or a very poor attempt at fear-mongering. 
>Which is it?

Dear Ross,
I just computed that I personnally paid more than $ 70.000 to Verisign 
those last years to support common interest projects (this is personnal 
matters but I trust you enough to disclose details to you if you so wish, 
and being in that trade you will understand quickly). This represents 
roughly 3000 DNs for various stages societal projects for France, Europe 
and developping countries. Some I gave up due to that cost. And I have good 

I currently duplicate than domain names and run much more of them, getting 
exactly the same service on my own machines under the experimental dot-root 
project and experimental ULDs for a cost of $ 3000 a year (that machines 
[some being for free] support a lot of other services offsetting their cost)

You may understand that I fully share Elisabeth's feelings. But I am 
interested in your justification of that $ 70.000 out of my family pocket. 
What is it, if not an US tax? Loot?

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