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Re: [wg-c] Election of co-chair

On 24 July 1999, "Ken Stubbs" <kstubbs@dninet.net> wrote:

>it is truly a sad shame that more efforts here appear to be oriented towards
>trying to appoint and defend  "chair" & "co-chair"  positions of this
>working group than towards the achieving specific mandate of this group.
>as support to this position i would like to point out that of the last 41
>postings to this list , 37 have been in regards to the "chair discussion".
>this is, to say the least,  NOT GOOD !!
>you  know it might be best to just eliminate the chair position on these
>working groups and have the group appoint a spokesman whose job it is to
>present the consensus report for each group. i also strongly recommend that
>minority positions be allowed to place into the written record along with
>the consensus reports thier respective objections or concerns.
>i feel that a responsible group should be able to appoint a spokesman to
>present both position without unecessary petty bickering.  hopefully someone
>else might consider this line of reasoning rational...
>could i possibly have a humm.... on this


Mark C. Langston	     			Let your voice be heard:
mark@bitshift.org				     http://www.idno.org
Systems Admin					    http://www.icann.org
San Jose, CA					     http://www.dnso.org