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[comments-gtlds] New TLDs

1. Support new TLDs. 
- The internet represents freedom and that should be reflected in the choice of many TLDs. Market forces will be free to govern itself. 
- It will remove the assumption that if a company is called FastSolutions that the website address is FastSolutions.com. Therefore a cyber-squatter owning FastSolutions.com will not have so much leverage, because FastSolutions.web might be available.

2. Support for at least a .WEB TLD. 
- .WEB together with .NET represents connections which is what the internet is about. It is a friendlier TLD than .COM which has a commerce connotation.

3. Support for Image Online Design. 
- They have a greater right to the .WEB domain than anybody else because of the years of work campaigning for .WEB. To now hand the .WEB on a silver platter to anybody else would be a crime. Give them the credit they deserve !!!

andre rademan
software developer
cape town
south africa