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[comments-gtlds] The Issue is Pre-registrations

The real issue I am concerned about is pre-registrations, regardless of
whether they have been done through IOD or CORE. It seems
counterproductive to me to allow pre-registrations to stand. As I have
said before, one can easily go and see that already very few "good"
names are left. And who is it that has pre-registered these domains?
More likely than not it is tech-savvy individuals or domain speculators.
Not the companies and people that the namespace is being expanded for.
At least if the slate is wiped clean, everybody would have an EQUAL
chance at getting their desired domain.

I understand that not allowing the pre-registrations to stand would
cause a major problem for IOD because they have already accepted
payments for the pre-registrations (some of the CORE members have as
well), but this really is the company's fault. To me, it makes
absolutely no sense to accept money for services you can't guarantee in
the first place.

I have pre-registered several .web domains through both IOD and CORE,
but I think the fair and honest thing to do is give everybody else a
chance and equal opportunity to obtain a new gTLD domain.
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