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Re: [ga] WHOIS data on .org domains

On 2003-02-13 11:56:07 -0500, DannyYounger@cs.com wrote:

> Why does my expectation of privacy continue to be eroded in this
> ICANN process?

What makes this even more interesting is that PIR requires
registrars to transfer WHOIS information to the registry, which will
then be used to provide an xWHOIS service which permits searches by
registrant name.  If you look at the European Commission's and
IWGDPT's submissions to the WHOIS Task Force (they are linked from
the final report and say some things about that kind of search
service), you'll notice that the thin->thick transition is a legal
can of worms at least (!) for European registrars.

If I may dare an educated guess, their participation in the
transition is illegal as long as the xWHOIS service is on the table
and in the contracts.

Thomas Roessler				<roessler@does-not-exist.org>
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