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Re: [wg-review] Re(2): [cctld-discuss] Comments on review of DNSOby Mr Park

What has been missed here, is that the translation of ICANN
documents into other languages isn't the issue, or the problem.
And it isn't because "everyone understands English" whether that
is true or not for the "everyone" who actually matter.

The problem is that there's no point at all making documents
available for people to read and comment on, unless you're
willing to listen to the comments you receive.   And I am not
implying here that ICANN won't listen (also, regardless of
how true that might be).   What I mean is that if you give
people documents in the local language to comment on, the
comments will all come back in the same language - the translation
problem that exists is translating the comments back to a
form that can be understood by those making the decision
(at the very least, into English).

If you aren't willing to commit to doing that (for all the
comments, you don't get to pick and choose) then there's no
point making the original documents available in other
languages (unless your aim is just to make some kind of
political statement) - those who can comment in English can
almost certainly read English well enough to read the documents
(writing it is much harder than reading).

And giving people documents to comment on, and then telling them
that their comments must be ignored, as none of the decision
makers can understand them is worse than useless.


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