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[ga] Re: Membership criteria - compromise

On 07:18 18/05/02, William X Walsh said:
>This doesn't discourage outreach at all, it discourages single issue
>outreach that is based on an attempt to influence the outcome of a
>vote.  Outreach that is intended to increase the broad and meaningful
>participation, which is what we should all be encouraging, would still
>be of great use.  Even if the awareness of the outreach is because of
>a single issue that they can't influence by pulling a hit and run and
>joining only for that single issue.

Ted, WXW and Joe (on the online voting system),
IMHO both of you have good and valid points and no need to become personal. 
The problem seems more related to the software tools. Let assume we have 
the following management system.

1. anyone can register in the GA, chosing which mail distribution, he wants 
and becoming a voter.
2. you can change e-mail without changing Membership ID
3. we can run votes and information polls freely. Let say that every week 
we have a poll over the debated issues (10 seconds to list a question for 
polling). Votes on Chair decision.
4. your vote is taken into consideration after you participated at least 
into 10 polls.

Would you not accept it?

- Outreach is supported as even "stuffing" the list would result into polls 
slides, telling the voters there is something to consider.
- Education is ensured because if you vote 10 times it means that you did 
not get bored and debated. You really proved you wanted to join.
- Hi-Jacking is quite impossible: asking hi-jackers to vote 10 times in a 
row to get a vote the 11th time would cost a lot.
- Yet the DNSO stays open to all and everyone may immediately contribute 
and even influence a vote by his positions and hos poll, the voter may 
filter and consider

An occasional slide would have no impact if an obvious hi-jacking attempt 
(from the difference with previous polls and with votes). But a growing 
poll tendency or a very high poll support (therefore voters supported by 
pollers) would speak a lot.

It would even permit very quick responses: a stuffing could lead to a quick 
verification vote. A 95% poll supported by a 75% votes would really mean 
the GA really supports something. While a 90% poll supported by a 45% 
vote  would mean hi-jacking attempt and kill the reputation of the stuffers 
and the enthousiam of their supporters.

I note that I prefer the poll count than a residency period, because 
responding to a poll is an active effort. Also because it permits lurkers 
to progressively join, and often these people are reasonable people taking 
time to join the debate.


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