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[ga] Gadsden flag movement

I apologize for the off topic post.  It is a different world we now live in.

Gene Marsh
God Bless America

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Gene Marsh [mailto:marshm@anycast.net]
Sent:	Friday, September 14, 2001 1:56 PM
To:	'Thomas A. RIggs'; 'Todd Mayer'; 'Sylvia Stevens'; 'Steve & Cathy Maes';
'Rene Ross'; 'Mary Kowalski'; 'John Mostek'; 'Jeff Frenzel'; 'Donn Bohn';
'Don Peters'; 'Cindy Johnson'; 'Chris Peters'; 'Kevin Boyle'; Mark Clendenin
(E-mail); Mark Wetzel (E-mail); Steve Marmott (E-mail);
'cappelt@diebold.com'; 'bakerk@diebold.com'
Subject:	Flag

You may or may not know the history of the Gadsden flag.  You have certainly
seen it in history books or on stamps.  Please see the following, from where
the quote below was taken:


" This anonymous writer, having "nothing to do with public affairs" and "in
order to divert an idle hour," speculated on why a snake might be chosen as
a symbol for America.
First, it occurred to him that "the Rattle-Snake is found in no other
quarter of the world besides America."
The rattlesnake also has sharp eyes, and "may therefore be esteemed an
emblem of vigilance." Furthermore,
"She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is
therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. ... she never wounds
'till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him
against the danger of treading on her." "

I am starting a movement to use the Gadsden flag at every possible occasion.
Please join me in this effort.

Gene Marsh
God Bless America







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