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Re[2]: [ga-roots] How the sky might fall

At 04:55 05.06.01 -0700, William X. Walsh wrote:
>But a minimum set of both business, financial, and technical standards
>must exist, and before granting the application, those issues must be
>reviewed, investigated, followed up on, etc.
>The costs of doing that are not cheap, and an application fee such as
>that does serve a purpose in setting a minimum standard for financial
>solvency.  If the $50,000 fee is too much, then perhaps that company
>is not well suited financially to be running a registry.

If the US would be the world, then it might make some sense to discuss that 
argument. Unfortunately for those in the US - there is a world outside the US.

Running cost for a registry, are to a major part labour cost (admin, tech, 
programming, etc.). And that varies vastly on our small planet.
And the 50 Grand are also not the registration fees, but the gambling stake 
to make sure, that no registry of a poorer country can participate to run a 

Which leads us anyway to another subject: that of the gTLDs being only 
based on English language. But who wonders about that in the USG's root?

>If a company doesn't have $250,000 or more in liquid capital or line
>of credit, I don't think they should even be considered.  They lack
>the necessary financial means to insure the operation and development
>of their registry.

It looks like you are proposing to shut down the majority of ccTLDs, 
because I am sure, that many of the ccTLD registries wouldn't qualify under 
your requirements.


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