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RE: [ga-roots] Community Roots or Red Herrings)

|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: NameCritic [mailto:watch-dog@inreach.com]
|> Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2001 3:08 PM
|> To: ga-roots@dnso.org
|> Cc: dassa@dhs.org
|> Subject: Re: [ga-roots] Community Roots or Red Herrings)
|> To: Dassa
|> You said "Any roots aside from the legacy root under the control of
|> are rogue and not legitimate on the Internet.  They are private name
|> and belong on private networks, not in the public network and name
|> According to who? What authority says this? Why are they the authority?

At the moment ICANN and the USG are authoritive for a large part of the
Internet.  It is a co-operative effort with a lot of players involved.
There were standard practices and some assumptions for any network joining
with the Internet.  If we encourage fracturing then it will not be just the
Internet but a collection of alternative networks.  The Internet is based
around a single unique root zone. Encouraging rogue root zones is IMHO not
the best way to tackle the perceived shortage of TLD's.

It appears to me the rogue root zone operators are attempting to take over
the Internet and impose their will on it.  I do not see this as a good
thing.  For the most part the rogue root zones are operated with little
community contribution and do not have any attempt at a bottom up
management style.  Systems such as new.net are obviously commercial and
only have commercial interests in mind.  I certainly do want to accept them
as authoritive for the Internet.  I may not be happy with ICANN but they
are IMHO the best players in town for me to accept as authoritive.

Others have different opinions and see issues in a different way.  That is
life.  Discussion and sharing assists in defining growth and that is
something we would all appear to want.

Please do not take my use of the term "legitimate" in a legal sense.  It is
used in a sense of conformation.

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

BTW...Could everyone refrain from cc'ing or bcc'ing me any messages from
the mailing lists.  I am getting heartily sick of getting multiple copies
and my mail systems have enough traffic without the redundant and annoying

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