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[ga] your comments

I'm with you.  While I know that many will not believe this, this is what
most of us are actually trying to do.  I notice that there was damn little
recognition of the ideas in Stuart's paper that sought to open up the
process more than it is now.  Today, many people marginalize themselves by
taking a black or white approach -- e.g., direct elections are the only
acceptable way to be accountable.  The fact is that this is a unique
animal, trying to do things in a way that has no direct model.  As such, it
requires more experimentation, more trials and errors, and more
understanding of the frankly experimental nature of the effort.  So I would
encourage the application of the principles you espouse in responding to
whatever comes out of the Pisanty Committee later this week, and maybe we
can make progress.

Joe Sims
Jones Day Reavis & Pogue
51 Louisiana Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20001
Direct Phone:  1.202.879.3863
Direct Fax:  1.202.626.1747
Mobile Phone:  1.703.629.3963

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