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[ga] Lacking Perspective

> Sunday, July 08, 2001, 8:45:46 PM, William S. Lovell wrote:
> > I would also suggest, as I did to Patrick regarding abusive conduct,
> > that no sysem will work unless it is implemented and enforced.
> > Excluding the entry for Patrick, you have shown 25 violations,
> > about which, so far as we can tell, nothing was done.  There is
> > no point in changing any rule until it is shown that the existing
> > rule, when actually enforced, does not work.

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001 21:13:04 -0700, William X. Walsh wrote:
> And you ignore that almost ALL of those are only 1 or 2 over the
> limit, and that when the total posts are counted and looked at, the
> averages are around HALF of the daily posting limit overall.

No William.  He made his point and you made yours.  Why should Bill
have to say what you want him to say?  Or include what you want him
to include?  You might be Bill too but you are different people.

And you still use emotive words which suggest motivation -- "ignore" --
rather than more scientifically neutral words -- like "omit".  Do you think
people don't notice?  What's the real perspective here?

> > never be seen anyway.  These dense fog banks strongly inhibit
> > there being any input from anyone else, and that is not a way to
> > reach out to the Internet community.
> Oh yes, this is so applicable to a situation of a small number of 1-2
> post violations.

We've had this debate before with you taking the opposite viewpoint.  It
occurred when you were suspended for excess postings.  I said the list
monitors should have discretion to allow one or two over the limit on the
odd occasion.  As I remember, you argued that the rules needed to be
enforced down the line as list monitors would abuse their discretation.

A monitor taking that approach would have suspended everybody.
Bill's point was that it didn't happen.  Yours was that it didn't need to.

Both are equally valid points.  They are even supportive of the other.

> Please, the absence of ~20 messages over a period of a month would not
> have made one iota of difference.

No.  But the absence of a high-volume poster altogether would.
It also might have acted as a deterrant for others who abuse us.

> Like Danny's, your comments lack a sense of perspective.

To paraphrase a well-known dishonest argument:
Comments don't lack perspective.  People lack perspective.

The real perspective is that sublists solve the problem !!

Patrick Corliss

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