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RE: [council] NC Accra meeting agenda 12 March 2002

I propose two changes:  Alexander Svennson, Alt. Chair, GA, should be
invited to make the report on the Wait List and Deletes GA session. I
respectfully recommend that change and that Alexander be invited to make
that report. I also suggest that is it possible that a 15 minute report,
followed by a 15 minute discussion period which he would participate in
would be ideal, but Alexander should comment on that.  

Secondly, the WHOIS TF would like to request 10-15  minutes for our report,
and Antonio Harris and Marilyn Cade will share the report. We ask for that
expanded time because we are issuing an interim report and do not have a
slot on the GA session, due to other pressing business which we agree should
occupy the GA session.  Therefore, our report to the NC will be the only
real opportunity for the community to get an update on the WHOIS TF work. 

Finally, although this will make for a terribly long day, I believe the time
of the NC meeting will need to be extended in order to ensure that
sufficient discussion takes place on the reports which are being made. 

I believe we will need at least another 30 minutes.  Many of the sessions
earlier will be very "robust" and we should not shortchange the policy
review reports from the various TF's. 

Frankly,  one of the criticisms raised by Stuart Lynn is that the NC isn't
moving fast enough on policy development.  While I may disagree with him on
some aspects, I understand and appreciate the concerns which he has raised. 

Regards, Marilyn Cade 

-----Original Message-----
From: DNSO Secretariat [mailto:DNSO.secretariat@dnso.org]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 5:32 PM
To: council@dnso.org
Subject: [council] NC Accra meeting agenda 12 March 2002

[To: announce@dnso.org; ga@dnso.org]
[To: council@dnso.org; liaison7c@dnso.org]


DNSO Names Council Accra, Ghana Meeting on 12 March 2002 - Agenda
26 February 2002.

This agenda was established according to the Rules of Procedure for the DNSO
Names Council http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/20010711.NCprocedures-v4.0.html

Date, time, phone numbers

The Names Council Accra, Ghana meeting will be held on 12 March 2002 at the
following time:

(7:00 LA, 10:00 New York, 15:00 Accra, 16:00 Paris, 00:00 Japan/Korea, 02:00
(next day) Melbourne)
    Local time between November and end March, WINTER in the NORTHERN
    Reference (Coordinated Universal Time)     UTC         14:00
    Auckland, New Zealand                      UTC+12+1DST 04:OO Wednesday
    Jerusalem, Israel                          UTC+2+ODST  17:00
    California, USA                            UTC-8+0DST   8:00
    Missouri, USA                              UTC-6+0DST   9:00
    Monterrey, Mexico                          UTC-6+0DST   9:00
    Washington DC, USA                   (EST) UTC-5+0DST  10:00
    St.Thomas, Virgin Islands                  UTC-4+0DST  11:00
    Santiago, Chile                            UTC-3+0DST  11:00
    Buenos Aires, Argentina                    UTC-3+0DST  12:00
    London, United Kingdom                     UTC+0+0DST  15:00
    Brussels, Belgium                    (CET) UTC+1+0DST  16:00
    Barcelona, Spain                     (CET) UTC+1+0DST  16:00
    Frankfurt, Germany                   (CET) UTC+1+0DST  16:00
    Paris, France                        (CET) UTC+1+0DST  16:00
    Seoul, Korea                               UTC+9+0DST  24:00
    Tokyo,Japan                                UTC+9+0DST  24:00
    Melbourne, Australia                       UTC+10+1DST 02:00 Wednesday
    The DST ends/starts on last Sunday of March (with some exceptions)
    For other places see http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/

The Conference telebridge will be through WorldCom Conferencing


The full participants are the 21 NC members as listed in
DNSO Secretariat, ICANN Officers: Louis Touton, Theresa Swinehart

The secretary, Glen de St. Gery, will take notes

The conference MPEG3 recording will be provided by Philippe Renaut

Agenda and related documents

Chair to be decided

Running time for meeting -180 mins.
15.00 to 18.00 Accra time which is UTC
Allocated time - 180 mins.

1. Adoption of Agenda/ patch-in for remote participants - 5 mins

2. Approval of summary of last meeting - 5 mins
Summary of teleconference 14, February 2002

3. Wait List and Deletes - feedback from GA session - next steps - (Marilyn
Cade) - 30 mins.

4.  ICANN CEO re structuring proposal - (Philip Sheppard) - 50 mins.

5. At-Large and the TF Structure interim report - discussion prior to public
comment period - (Philip Sheppard) -30 mins.

6. Draft report on dot Info and reserved country names - (Philip Sheppard) -
30 mins.

7. Interim report - WHOIS Task Force - (Marilyn Cade) - 5 mins.

8. Status report - UDRP Task Force - (Laurence Djolakian) - 5 mins.

9. Status report - IDN Task Force - (Elisabeth Porteneuve) - 5 mins
http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-idn/Arc00/msg00063.html (IDN TF archives)

10. Status report - ICANN TLD evaluation group - (YJ Park) - 5 mins.

11.  Status report Transfers Task Force - (Marilyn Cade) - 5 mins.

12.  Discussion high-layer issues - (Philip Sheppard) - 5 mins.

13.  AOB

Next NCteleconference will be held on Thursday 18 April 2002, at 15:00 CET,
14:00 UTC see information http://www.dnso.org/meetings.html
----Information from:
 © DNSO Names Council

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