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[wg-c] non-commercial TLDS

We are of course interested in the issue of non-commercial TLDs, and are
working with other NGOs to see if there is any consensus on some basic
issues for nc/tlds.  There will be some meetings in Washington, DC at
the end of this month and in April to discuss specific proposals, that
we are just beginning to organize a bit.  I've created a discussion list
called nc-tlds, that is open.  I created this for people in the NGO
community that are not necessarily experts in every phase of DNS
management, and maybe in some cases never even heard of DNS, or TLDs. 
(The WG-C list list is pretty technical for many people).

People who are interested in this issue from WG-C or elsewhere are
welcome to lurk or contribute to the list, if they want, even if they
don't work for a non profit organization.  I'm just now creating the
list, so there isn't any traffic just yet.


listinfo at


James Love, Director           | http://www.cptech.org
Consumer Project on Technology | mailto:love@cptech.org 
P.O. Box 19367                 | voice: 1.202.387.8030
Washington, DC 20036           | fax: