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	I want to clear up what seems to me to be a misperception in Mike Helzer's
note, quoted below.  He (and perhaps others) appears to view the 6-10 proposal
as necessarily inconsistent with "[t]he three criteria in the Chicoine
Paper [position paper C]".  Those criteria are:

>i) improved domain name registration procedures; ii) implementation of
>speedy and effective uniform dispute resolution procedures for abusive
registrations; and iii) adoption of a system for protecting
>famous and well-known trademark across all gTLDs. 

	We've seen a lot of movement on these; the second was addressed by the
UDRP, and the third is being addressed by WG-B.  I don't think that
anything in the 6-10 proposal speaks to those criteria one way or another.

	(And no, I don't think a majority vote equals consensus.  I picked 67%
this time because it was the margin that had been selected by WG-B.  As of
right now the votes in WG-C are running more than 80% in favor.)


Jonathan Weinberg
co-chair, WG-C

At 08:07 PM 12/10/99 +0100, owner-wg-c@dnso.org wrote:
>>From wg-c-listadmin@dnso.dnso.org  Fri Dec 10 20:07:20 1999
>Received: from hotmail.com (f163.law7.hotmail.com [])
>	by dnso.dnso.org (8.9.1b+Sun/8.9.1) with SMTP id UAA11884
>	for <wg-c@dnso.org>; Fri, 10 Dec 1999 20:07:19 +0100 (MET)
>Received: (qmail 767 invoked by uid 0); 10 Dec 1999 19:07:37 -0000
>Message-ID: <19991210190737.766.qmail@hotmail.com>
>Received: from by www.hotmail.com with HTTP;
>	Fri, 10 Dec 1999 11:07:37 PST
>X-Originating-IP: []
>From: "matt hooker" <matthooker@hotmail.com>
>To: wg-c@dnso.org
>Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 11:07:37 PST
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
>Here here! I agree. 2/3 does not a consensus make. Also, Before deciding to 
>freeze the membership and voting list, at least 30 days notice should be 
>given, and the decision to freeze should be determined by consensus also.
>Matt Hooker
>----Original Message Follows----
>From: mheltzer <mheltzer@inta.org>
>To: "'Chicoine, Caroline'" <chicoinc@PeperMartin.com>
>CC: IPCGeneral@iipa.com, 2217279@mcimail.com, avlupo@arentfox.com,        
>cchicoine@bspmlaw.com, cle@fwpa.com, gbprice@finnegan.com,        
>ip@rodyk.com.sg, jse@adamspat.com, keith.gymer@btinternet.com,        
>law@sbm.com.ar, milnep@gowlings.com, nicopr01@noa.nintendo.com,        
>Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 09:11:27 -0500
>At least we've gotten this thing off the dime and created further
>discussion.  Folks out there should know that INTA and the IPC as a whole
>will * not * go quietly into the night on this issue.  The three criteria in
>the Chicoine Paper * must * be met before any new gTLDs are added.  If you
>are on WG-C, vote * NO *.
>Also, someone should remind Mr. (Professor) Weinberg that a majority vote
>does not equal consensus.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Chicoine, Caroline [mailto:chicoinc@PeperMartin.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 1999 8:52 PM
>To: IPCGeneral@iipa.com
>FYI.  Please email me any feedback.
>Thanks, Caroline
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jonathan Weinberg [mailto:weinberg@mail.msen.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 1999 3:36 PM
>To: wg-c@dnso.org
>	I've not been doing much to move the list forward lately; I've
>been snowed
>under by day- job demands and by illness in my family.  It does seem to
>though, that it's time to do something.  Here, therefore, is my attempt
>get us off the dime.
>	1. I've seen several folks, both in the "official" comments on
>the interim
>report and otherwise, dispute whether we genuinely had rough consensus
>within the WG on the 6-10 proposal.  The comments of Mike Heltzer of
>are typical: "There has been no consensus ? rough or otherwise ? with
>respect to new gTLDs.  There was no vote taken in WG-C.  Mr. Weinberg
>drawn up the idea that there is consensus.  It is based on his own
>nothing else."
>	This continuing dispute is a bad thing.  As several people,
>including both
>Kent and Milton, stated in the physical meeting in LA, in order to make
>progress we need to *build* on our achievements so far ? including the
>compromise proposal.  I've got no doubt that we achieved rough consensus
>within the WG on that proposal back in September, for the reasons I set
>in <http://www.dnso.org/wgroups/wg-c/Arc00/msg01794.html>.  I think that
>was a big step towards the WG coming together and actually generating
>recommendations -- there likely won't be *any* new gTLDs added to the
>legacy root unless we can agree on compromise proposals.  Out of an
>abundance of caution, though, I'd like to nail the issue down.
>	Accordingly, I'm asking people to reaffirm their positions in a
>vote.  The voting period will extend to midnight UTC following December
>  The proposal, as set out in
><http://www.dnso.org/wgroups/wg-c/Arc00/msg01499.html>, is that *the
>addition of new global top-level domains should begin with a first round
>6-10 new gTLDs followed by an evaluation period*.  Please vote YES or NO
>a message sent to the wg-c list (not just to me).  I'll tally votes, but
>I'd like the messages to be public so that anybody on the list can check
>math.  The margin for determining rough consensus within the WG, as in
>WG-B votes, will be 2/3.  I'll freeze list membership pending the vote.
>	2. In response to Harold's question: no, ccTLDs are outside our
>	3. After we get done with the 6-10 consensus call, I'd like to
>see whether
>we can move forward on the mixed vs. non-profit only debate.  I'd like
>do that in two ways.  First, I expect to call a non-binding straw poll
>so that we can get a general idea of where the folks on the list stand
>whether the views of those participating in the debate reflect the views
>the much larger group of lurkers).  Second, I'd like to see the folks
>participating in this debate generate specific, detailed proposals, with
>explanations of how their proposals would address the problems noted by
>opponents.  It's OK to wait on this until after we get the 6-10 issue
>care of, though.
>Jonathan Weinberg
>co-chair, WG-C
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