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Re: Brands, TLDs, and Private Ownership (Was:Re: [wg-c]

Tony wrote:
> All of the 820 diverse awardees retained their project assets,
> not only including enormously valuable intellectual property,
> but also in several cases, hundreds of millions of dollars
> of physical assets and billions in continuing business arrangements,
> as part of an explicit initiative to transfer these assets
> entirely to the private-sector.  If you want to demand return
> of assets, you might start at the top of the award list and
> work down.  NSI ranks 84th.
> --tony 

Would you also advocate not prosecuting any thieves until ALL murders have
been resolved? Are you trying to tell us that you agree that there is a
wrong here, but that you consider it "less" wrong than other ones? It is the
most direct attempt to distract attention so far that I have seen from you.
At least in this case you are straight forwardly saying "may I attract your
attention to the others first". :-)

Yours, John Broomfield.