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Re: [wg-c] straw poll -- reminder

On Wed, Aug 18, 1999 at 09:21:22AM -0400, A.M. Rutkowski wrote:
> Jonathan,
> >to start with few, and the other half with many. So you will have to
> >ask the question I suggested earlier: if those who want many find it
> >inconceiveable to start with a few.
> On this issue, it would appear the most important
> factor is actually the degree of exposure to potential
> litigation.  This exposure - under Allied Tube - goes
> up dramatically if the results turn out to exclusively
> or substantially benefit one group that dominated the private
> body's policy making activities.
> So the issue for the participants here - particularly
> the CORE and gTLD-MoU signatory participants is - do
> you feel lucky?

That cuts several ways, doesn't it?  If, for example, the result 
benefited NSI, then we could ask if NSI feels lucky...the jury would 
certainly find it interesting to hear how NSI has manipulated the 

In fact, whatever the decisions might turn out to be, the minority 
position will have opportunity to sue, and I'm quite sure that there 
will be many legal theories to support such suits.

Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
kent@songbird.com                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain