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[wg-c] Private TLDs

Kent Crispin wrote:

> Do you think there might be some demand for private TLDs?  Maybe
> more than a few hundred?

The demand for private TLDs is not clear. But it is possible that such
a demand will develop, and that it could pass into the thousands.
I suspect that you will use this in an attempt to scare some of our
more conservative colleagues into rejection of an open, registry-driven
market for TLDs.

In anticipation of that, let me point out that had you told a telephone
or its regulator in 1970 that there would be millions of private networks
(LANs and WANs) they would have been equally horrified at the
"inefficiency" and "impossibility" of such a scenario.

The most reasonable way to anticipate the scale of demand for
private TLDs would be to look at the number of large, privately-
managed corporate networks. They run in the low thousands.
Their number is declining with the rise of Internet and VPNs.

m i l t o n   m u e l l e r // m u e l l e r @ s y r . e d u
syracuse university          http://istweb.syr.edu/~mueller/