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Re: [wg-c] Privacy gTLD

On 28 July 1999, Javier SOLA <javier@aui.es> wrote:

>Privacy TLDs are an interesting idea, but they do have a few setbacks from
>a business point of view.
>Seen from an ISP side, what might happen is that if the customer does
>not assume responsibility for the contents of the website (cannot be
>identified), then the ISP might be considered responsible for the
>contents, in the same way in which -in a collective book- what is
>written is responsibility of each author, but if there is no author
>for a given part of the book, then the editor assumes the

Most every ISP that hosts web pages (and please, let's keep in mind
that TLDs are much, much more than someplace to hang a URI for a
web page) has explicit terms in their contract that forbid any behaivor
that would put the ISP in such a situation.  The ISP must accept
payment for the account (unless it's free, at which point I'd argue
that this isn't a smart move on the ISP's part).  Why can't the ISP
hold accountable the person who paid for the account, and thereby
agreed to the contract which prohibited such behavior?

>I would also see difficult identification of a web owner as a barrier to
>e-commerce. People would have be careful to know who they trade with, if
>that company/person can be easily found or not. Identification for
>trade-mark violations through the internet (not domain related) would also
>have to be looked at carefully.

See above.

Mark C. Langston	     			Let your voice be heard:
mark@bitshift.org				     http://www.idno.org
Systems Admin					    http://www.icann.org
San Jose, CA					     http://www.dnso.org