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[nc-udrp] the UDRP task force - report

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\pard\li360 with other more pressing issues taking up time and in particular the whole question over ICANN reform generally, I am sure that many people have not had the work of the task force on the top of their agenda. I think it would be a shame to let the work that we did on the questionnaire go to waste and it would be a very constructive thing to do to contribute to the ICANN debate by providing the results and outcome of our enquiries.  I am not sure where Caroline got to with drafting a report but we seem to have lost direction.\par
I therefore took it on myself to have a look through the debate on this subject and I have attached a draft of an outline of a report which I think we could pad out together.  Let me say that I was initially reluctant to do this for fear of being criticised for driving forward my own views on the subject of reform - which some of you wont agree with - and also because in my experience if you put your head above the parapet you usually get shot at - but whatever, here goes....\par
I havent put much meat on the attached simply because if you all shout me down I would have wasted my time.  If  you like this sort of format and some of the suggestions I make in it (at the moment just ideas about how it should look) then, Im happy to co-ordinate your input, go through the remaining emails on my computer regarding the responses and knock it into a better shape.\par
let me know\par

UDRP report.doc

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