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Re: [ga] ALAC on ccNSO

On Tue, 6 May 2003 16:34:55 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>I personally give a lot of credit to the cc assertion that the country
>code operators themselves tend to represent the citizens of their
>respective nations and that obviates the need for a separate user channel
>into ICANN's cc mechanisms.  

I agree too - especially, battles for proper user representation in
ccTLD management should be held at the national level for each ccTLD,
not at the international one (this is what we have been doing in Italy
in the last years, by the way, where the situation is different:
policies have been traditionally developed by a self-formed bottom-up
group of ISPs and users with almost-open membership, and now the
Government would like to move policy making to a new State-owned
top-down appointed entity, see http://na.bertola.eu.org/en.php). And
you certainly cannot imagine a single model of participation and
policy-making process that fits the needs of all ccTLDs, so each one
should determine locally which is the best, by discussions among the
community and with the government.

But I still think that there are some interactions and
interdependences between what ccTLDs do and what the other types of
registries do, and this is why some interactions and discussions at
the ICANN level between ccTLDs and the rest of the community are
highly desirable. They should not end up in the production of top-down
binding policies (except perhaps when the root is involved), but they
should end up in building awareness and consensus around best
practices that, being the best, will be naturally adopted by most
vb.                  [Vittorio Bertola - vb [at] bertola.eu.org]<---
-------------------> http://bertola.eu.org/ <-----------------------
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