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[ga] Re: in response to a question about a letter regarding ICANN reform

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Hello Jeff,

Saturday, September 21, 2002, 6:55:36 PM, you wrote:

JW>   Hummm?  I am at a loss as to how you came to such an incorrect
JW> conclusion.  It is true that INEGroup has no ONE web site.  We
JW> share web space with a number of or members that provide that
JW> web presence.  I have posted those on a number of occasions to this
JW> forum.  Perhaps you didn't take particular note...

Incorrect, wrong, and a lie.  I searched through the GA archives this
afternoon to see if you have ever provided a single URL that is
representative of you, or the INEGroup, and there is none -- although,
feel free to prove me wrong.  Also, if the INEGroup is an "INC", in
other words a corporation, why do you not have a D&B number?  All
corporations have a D&B number after all.

There are some urls mentioned, but these seem to be domains registered
by other people to mock the INEGroup.

JW> and other ICANN forums, many have never physically met.  This in no
JW> way indicates that they do not exist however.  To purport such is
JW> frankly inconsistent with reality, George.

No, but you are quite inconsistent with reality, Jeff.

>> 3. Who are some real members of INEGroup, excluding yourself?

JW>   I don't know all of them of course.  But they are all registered with the

JW> Federal election commission (FEC.gov) please submit, as I would have to
JW> a FOIA request to obtain all of the members names and other non-private
JW> and personal information.

Why would they have to be registered with the FEC?  That does not make
any sense.  The FEC only oversees campaign finance, it does not
oversee voters themselves.  When a voter registers it is at the state
level only...each maintains an independent database of voters within
that state.

>> 4. Does INEGroup own any domain names? If so, provide 1 example.

JW>   INEGroup is not a corporation, which I have informed all the members
JW> of this the DNSO GA forum several times before.

Interesting, and yet your sig says:

"Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC."

INC = incorporation.  You may be a non-profit corporation, but you are
still a corporation.  Or, you are not a non-profit corporation, and
your signature is incorrect, which is it?

JW>  We are a legal
JW> association,
JW> like several of the BC's member organizations, the IETF and so forth...
JW> All of our US members are registered voters in their respective states.
JW> Most of our EU members are also registered voters, but not all.  As is
JW> part of our charter I nor any specific member or directors may provide
JW> any personal or private information regarding other members with our a
JW> court order from the proper jurisdiction or similar in other countries
JW> and/or jurisdictions.

A legal association?  So, are you a BAR?  What do you mean by legal
association -- one comprised of members of the legal community, or one
that is legally registered.  I am pretty sure it is not the latter

Also, what the hell does being a registered voter have to do with anything?
How do you know that all members of your organization are registered

Jeff -- there are real problems with ICANN, and things that need to be
changed.  The problem is there are too many nutcases, like yourself,
screaming from the ceiling about things which are either irrelevant
or which you have no real technical grasp.  People like you hurt the
cause of people who are really trying to make honest changes, and
attempting to engage ICANN in honest debate.

You should do yourself, and the members of this list a favor and
unsubscribe.  Perhaps then a serious debate can be held.

- --
Allan Liska

Version: 2.6


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