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[ga] IPC on ALAC

Steve Metalitz, in providing the "IPC Response to ALAC Assistance Group 
Report", makes the following comment in one of the footnotes:  

"The report seems to suggest that a regional at-large structure with as few 
as 200 individual members could be accredited to exercise responsibilities 
including direct appointment of a member of the Nominating Committee.  This 
number appears far too low to justify a claim of representativeness of the 
range of "individual Internet users" from any region, and certainly from 
regions in which there are tens or hundreds of millions of such Internet 

As of March 2002, the IPC had only 66 members.  Certainly this is far too low 
a number, even by their own standards, to justify a claim of 
representativeness for intellectual property holders worldwide.  Accordingly, 
as they have noted indirectly that their own membership roster is 
insufficient in size to exercise the responsibility of providing an 
appointment to the Nominating Committee (being well below the 200+ they posit 
as a requirement for At-Large organizations), I ask the ERC to eliminate the 
IPC as an entity that participates in the NonCom process.

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