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[ga] Who what why and where?

The entire whois data base system sucks.

What in the hell are people thinking;

for the sake of the trademark industry we are violating literally
millions of individual people the right to privacy.

the only requirement should be the name of the holder and then the
professionals that handle the name.

I would like to see the entire system destroyed.

The system is so corrupt the Froomkin did not even know his name was
offered for sale.  Is he a dummy or is the system corrupt.  (well he may
be a dummy but the system is still corrupt)

It is so far off right that I am blown away that you people who have
been around since its' inception have allowed it to exist.  You are all
responsible and should be ashamed!

You know it is time some of you oldies start taking responsibility for
your abject failures and then deal with it.


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