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[ga] Last comment, for a while

Good evening.
I have been unable to participate to the debate lately as I would have 
liked. As this personal and professional situation will continue like this 
at least to the end of the year, it will be appropriate for me to 
unsubscribe from the list and follow the debate from the archives when I 
have the possibility.
I will try to be on the Webcast for the GA in MdR.
My last comment, for the time being, is on the ballot.
I do agree that there are things that need to be fixed in the DNSO, that it 
is a shame that the voice of the individual users and/or Registrants is not 
represented, but I canīt see the bicameral GA/NC as a solution, at least 
with the GA as is now.
The purpose of a GA in a properly working DNSO (i.e. in a DNSO where the 
major stakeholders *including users and/or registrants* are represented in 
the constituency system) is a forum for discussion, and an "agora" where the 
members of the different constituencies and the people that generally have 
interests at stake do freely debate and shape up the issues, before bringing 
them to the "executive body", which is, in my Weltanschauung, the NC.
If we want to have the GA to be a counterpower to the NC (more than the 
bicameral political systems of today the reference seems to me the "tribunus 
plebis" in the Roman consular system, in that their mandate was to represent 
who was not represented otherwise, while a bicameral system in general is 
based on the same electorate), we have to go to an elected body structure.
The problem is that the GA does not scale.
We always complain that there are only a couple of dozen active members, and 
possibly few hundreds readers. If we had any possible claim to 
representativeness, we should be at least on the thousands.
If we all had to be active, with, letīs say, a posts per day, the result 
will be that people that do not have this as their full time job will be 
unable to follow. And that exactly defeats the purpose.
Therefore, we need to have an elected representative body, to whom to 
delegate the power. And so we are back to a similar dilemma that the ALSC 
and NAIS are facing: to organize representative elections.
Letīs face it: people like the "frequent posters" on this list can have no 
substantive claim to speak for the millions of Internet users, and it will 
make little sense to create a governing body alternative to the NC with the 
current GA. Besides, the ICANN Board will never endorse the idea. But 
anyway, letīs wait for the results of the vote.
In the meantime, please be aware that I will be voting against.

Incidentally, doesnīt this side debate (for a lost cause, IMHO) reduce the 
momentum on the effort to progress on a proposal for the 
individual/registrant constituency? The Chair did the right thing in putting 
this to vote, as this was the request from the floor, but canīt we leave 
this issue to the voters, and concentrate discussion on the list on a 
proposal for Registrants/Users?

Best regards

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