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[ga] Deletes: Update from a different angle

Pursuant to the message that I sent out Tuesday night, the fine folks @
ICANNWatch requested that I write up a more detailed (and understandable)
summary of the events thus far. The article can be found at
http://www.icannwatch.com/article.php?sid=416&mode=flat&order=0 if you are
so inclined.

"Briefly? Verisign Registry is attempting to leverage their failure to
provide adequate registry services under their contract to ICANN into a
price increase for dotCOM names. The whole story? Read on..."

"...Sadly, in complete defiance of all recommendations made by the affected
stakeholders, VGRS has endorsed [11] this last proposal with the following

"I would be willing to recommend that VGRS consider implementing the [...]
Parallel Registry [...] as a new optional service to all registrars with a
separate pricing structure."

The fourth and last proposal on this subject was issued earlier this month
[12] as a response to the astounding analysis made by VGRS;

  1.. Eliminate the "batch pool" methodology and infrastructure currently in
place as an "interim" measure.
  2.. Reinstate the previous "first-come, first-served" re-registration
  3.. Require that all registrars immediately cease "batch-delete"
  4.. Require that all registrars adhere to the 45-day post-expiry
registered name deletion requirements of the Verisign Registrar/Registry
  5.. Police denial of service and other abusive practices by registrars as
required by the Verisign/ICANN registry services agreement.

In its commentary, this new proposal specifically states that "[VGRS] enjoys
substantial revenues from the operation of the services contemplated by the
VGRS/ICANN Registry Services Agreement. In return for these revenues,
Registrars are entitled to demand the services they pay for." In other
words, if they can't fix their problems at the current price, perhaps it is
time for a rebid of this contract that has so obviously become a burden to


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