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[ga] destroyer of the GA/ Intentional?


Please someone point to this man's accomplishments, {oh and where is
Patrick }.
Joanna and Joop I am all ears, what say thee Jefsey.  If I recall you
trashed me in
favor of Danny because??????  Where is he now?  No coalition and no
rudder on a
ship in current.  Words will not satisfy us dotcommoners but action and
organization from an Administrator will = you guys get on this guy and
fix this
mess. You created it!


Would you please act like a chairman.  Organize and put into place your
plans so
that they may be accomplished.  Bless us Danny and at least assign and
God man you have put us out of business.  You are the weakest
administrator I have
ever seen in all our entire lives.

                     Date: 1592
                     1 a : the presiding officer of a meeting or an
organization or
                     b : the administrative officer of a department of
(as in a
                     2 : a carrier of a sedan chair

I am beginning to think that you alone will be remembered as the one man
who turned
the GA into a pile of nothingness.  You have not done crap, no you have
done crap.
Has one motion been passed under your guidance?  Has one pressing issue
brought to consensus?  You have accomplished one thing and that is
paralysis of the
finest group of thinkers throughout the world!

You fit the definition of chairman well = Vint Cerf and Mr. Sheppards
sedan chair

Pissed off!!

DannyYounger@cs.com wrote:

> In an effort to assist the ALSC, I have noted the areas in their draft report
> where they request the benefit of additional input.   Your comments on these
> topics would be appreciated.
> 01.  the risk of capture or fraud  --
> "There are issues with a system in which domain name holders are given the
> option of becoming part of an ALSO and taking part in elections that need
> further discussion and elaboration (e.g. there might be some risk of capture,
> although less than in the email-based case)."  "...assumption that
> organizations will not attempt to create or influence large numbers of
> individual domain name holders voting on their behalf, and we are looking for
> input on ways to detect and avoid such behavior."
> 02.  defining geographical zones --
> "...six different regions in the world, and have suggested for discussion, a
> division we believe is appropriate..."
> 03.  providing financial assistance to users --
> "(Any e-mail address holder can acquire a domain name at minimal cost, but
> with some effort. To help ensure that this is not an impediment to those who
> want a domain name and want to be an At-Large member, the ALSC suggests that
> the ICANN community identify and encourage organizations that could provide
> appropriate assistance to such users.)"  "To help ensure that this approach
> to At-Large membership is not an impediment to those who want a domain name
> and want to participate in an ALSO, the ALSC suggests that the ICANN
> community identify and encourage organizations that could provide appropriate
> assistance to such users. We encourage input on this and hope to include
> specific suggestions and named institutions in our final report."
> 04.  individual/institutional dichotemy --
> "…but only individuals may vote. Institutions already play a greater role in
> the existing Supporting Organizations, so this seems an appropriate balance.
> We encourage your input on this issue."  "We recognize that using "individual
> domain name holders" for At-Large membership could include a named person
> behind large and small institutions' domain name registration. We invite
> comments on this point."
> 05.  implementation and management measures --
> "The ALSC assumes there will be a need for committees or working groups and
> requests input on potential implementation measures. We will seek to develop
> specific, consensus recommendations on execution for the Board's
> consideration."  "…initial outreach and organizing efforts be undertaken. The
> ALSC assumes committees/working groups and specific guidelines will be
> needed, and requests input on potential implementation and management
> measures. We will seek to develop specific, consensus recommendations on
> execution of these recommendations for the Board's consideration."
> "...structure and processes for an At-Large membership election:  The ALSC
> recognizes the complexity involved in planning, executing and managing such
> processes, and encourages discussions, analysis and input on implementation
> options. We expect to provide more detailed process recommendations in our
> final report after we receive public input."  "...Guidelines for the creation
> of an ALSO with the mission of At-Large outreach and education, engaging
> members, aggregating views, enabling consensus decision-making, and working
> closely with other Supporting Organizations to address issues and develop
> policy on Internet user issues that fall within ICANN's specific technical
> and administrative mission."
> 06.  pluralism --
> "The ALSC also is aware that potential would exist for holding domain names
> to influence the At-Large membership and representation, and encourages input
> on potential mechanisms to ensure geographic diversity and pluralism"  "By
> giving the At-Large Council the responsibility to help organize local and
> regional organizational structures, the ALSO will have a critical framework
> that enables At-Large members to learn about and discuss At-Large issues in
> their own language, find common ground with users in other localities and
> regions and ultimately provide meaningful user advice to the Board. We
> welcome comments on potential by-country diversity requirements among these
> various individuals."  "...Guidelines for establishment of local and
> regional-based ALSO entities to build a global ALSO framework."
> 07.  privacy protections --
> "...sudden large numbers of individual holders representing the domain names
> of a single entity will most likely be visible, depending on the final
> decision about privacy protections for At-Large members."  "...we solicit
> input on specific mechanisms - including user choice - to protect the privacy
> of At-Large members while simultaneously encouraging open, transparent
> communication among them and with the various organizations and interest
> groups that wish to educate them and solicit support for their policies."
> "...Methods for ensuring At-Large member privacy while maximizing the
> opportunities for open, transparent education and discussion among members
> about ICANN issues."
> 08.  free speech --
> "…any attempt by organizations to influence votes on a broad scale is likely
> to backfire, as at least some of the subjects of such attempts will publicize
> them and complain. We welcome input on what specific rules or procedures may
> be appropriate, while recognizing institutions rights to free speech."
> 09.  mobilizing the grassroots community --
> "The ALSC also sees great benefit in immediately "jumpstarting" the ALSO with
> voluntary, grassroots efforts and encourages input how this could be
> accomplished."  "...Global outreach and organizing campaign focused on
> engaging Internet users at the local and regional level."
> 10.  additional funding issues --
> "The ALSC is in the process of developing specific const estimates for
> implementation of its recommendations. ICANN may want to consider financial
> contributions from outside sources to help offset this cost. The ALSC has
> considered a number of approaches to address the outreach, development and
> management issues involved in simultaneously launching and funding an ALSO
> and conducting a global election. The ALSC requests input on potential
> implementation mechanisms and processes and will seek to develop specific,
> consensus recommendations on execution for the Board's consideration."
> 11.  technical issues --
> "There are also significant technical issues that need to be addressed."
> "... Detailed investigation of using the Extensible Provisioning Protocol for
> automatic updating and gathering of registrant data for those that opt-in to
> At-Large membership."  "... Membership registration processes and issuance of
> a request for proposals for management of a database/processing system to
> receive payments and membership information from registrars."  "...
> Agreements with TLD registrars for implementation of At-Large membership
> registration and collection of membership fees."
> --
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