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Re: [ga] DNSO Secretariat

Hi Jefsey,
In your email below you suggested that geographical location should be a key criterion against which  a provider of DNSO Secretariat services should be selected. 
This issue has been thoroughly canvassed by the NC and it has been agreed that the search process should be global with the selection made against objective selection criteria on the basis of merit.   In this way, the position can be  de-politicised and you can be assured that  the DNSO funds are responsibly managed - that is, that the  DNSO gets the 'best bang for its buck'. 
In this context it is important to recognise that the role of the Secretariat is not to represent any particular region, but to serve the DNSO and ensure the efficient and effective delivery of information and technical support services. 
Subject: Re: [ga] DNSO Secretar5iat

Dear Erica,
thank you for the reminder: this partly addresses the point of Danny about the dnso.org webmaster.

I am surprised this document does not reflect the need to correct the current geographical unbalance of the DNSO top set I documented (12.5 % of the persons being from ANZ). I hope the budget alocated to the hired  consultant will permit him to consider candidates outside of his sub-area.

If Secretariat was to leave Europe, it should go to China, India or Latin America, may be Africa. I suppose everyone will agree with this.

On 03:44 15/06/01, erica said:
I would like to draw the atention of list members to the Request for Proposals for DNSO Secretariat services. This can be found at:

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