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[ga] The Tower of Babble

Dear Company,

The GA has disintegrated into babble, pure and simple.  I ascribe this, in large
part, to no clear program of work.  The coming meeting in Stockholm may only serve
to emphasize this point.  How can the GA expect to be taken seriously, when its own
members no longer take it seriously, and even question its credibility?

Mssrs. Chair, and Alt-Chair, outcome reflects on leadership.  Don't get carried
away with the party-favours and other mementos of the occasion...   I will be be
watching the webcast closely, as will many others.  Perhaps we will add our voices
in the public participation.  But, we're going to need a commitment from our
colleagues who are at the meeting, to ensure that all voices will be given a fair
chance.  It will also be interesting to see how the time will be allotted for the
various discussions.   If necessary, will the meeting run over/through
lunch/dinner/breakfast and even overtime?  Or will it be the ersatz performance yet
again?  (Considering the gravity of the matters to be discussed, I think a working
lunch is not too much to be expected, surely?  I remember Esther Dyson herself
deigning to dine and do... that is, if memory serves me correctly.)  I would even
like to see a motion or two with real and virtual participation in a vote!
(`wishful thinking', I know)  Is this GA really going to happen gentlemen?  Let us
see your resolve, will, and character over the next two weeks.


Sotiris Sotiropoulos

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