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RE: [ga] Re: [announce] Jonathan Cohen elected for 3 years term a t the ICANN Board

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kent Crispin [mailto:kent@songbird.com]
> Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 9:59 AM
> To: ga@dnso.org
> Subject: Re: [ga] Re: [announce] Jonathan Cohen elected for 3 
> years term
> a t the ICANN Board
> On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 09:05:21AM -0700, Roeland M.J. Meyer wrote:
> > You've just explained where I can donate/throw away/burn 
> 100 Euros per
> > year. Their value proposition sux! They do NOT represent 
> MHSC, even if I
> > paid them the money. There is no connection between MHSC 
> membership and
> > actions of the Business constituency and no visible way to 
> make it so.
> You join, you get a vote for NC rep -- just like every other member. 
> You could *run* for NC -- just like any other member.  If your ideas
> were shared by others, they would be adopted.  

Are you a member of this constituency? If so, how do you square that
with ALSO being a member of the NCDNHC? If you are not a member then how
do you deign to speak with such authority?

> But of course, that is not your game.  You would rather 
> heckle from the outside, and make lame excuses.

Be that as it may, you would rather heckle from the "inside"? Actually,
you made a false statement, I don't heckle. If I did, there would be no
doubt that I was, I can be quite good at it. The truth is that every
group or constituency I have ever been involved with, in this arena, has
been either marginalized or nullified. This includes DNSO/WG-B and
DNSO/WG-C, as well as ORSC and BWG. I also worked on the ORSC newco
draft proposal, considered by the DOC/NTIA and later the ICANN/DNSO
draft proposal submitted by the ORSC. If you call this heckling from the
outside then you are indeed lame. You are certainly being disingenuous.
But, I have always considered you to be less than honest.

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