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Re: [ga] Message from the Chair

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On 26-Jan-2000 Alex Kamantauskas wrote:
>> On 25-Jan-2000 Ellen Rony wrote:
>>> And that raises the question of how we respond to messages if I am
>>> reading the unfiltered version and you are not.  All headers would have
>>> to read ga-unfiltered@dnso.org, would they not?  Now there's a  reason
>>> to give the shorter name to the all-inclusive version.
>> You respond to the GA@dnso.org list, clear and simple, always.  
>> The people who can only be seen on the filtered list have given up their
>> right to participate for a period of time by not acting with the rules
>> for proper behavior.
>  Or because there position differs from that of the SAA?  I would like
>  some form of guarantee that *only* the disruptors are removed...

That is where the transparency of the process comes into play.  All removals
are documented publicly, and subject to review and discussion.

- --
William X. Walsh <william@dso.net>
DSo Networks  http://dso.net/
Fax: 877-860-5412 or +1-559-851-9192
GPG/PGP Key at http://dso.net/wwalsh.gpg
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Comment: DSo Networks
