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RE: [ga] THIS FRIDAY end the nomination's time...

Patrick Greenwell wrote:
> Consider for a moment that all the constituencies are supposed to be
> "self-organizing," yet we have had an unelected ICANN board refuse to
> recognize a single constituency to represent individuals. The one
> constituency that may even in the most abstract sense represent
> individuals, the GA, far from being allowed to 
> "self-organize", is having
> the chair of their constituency chosen for them by all the other
> business-dominated constituencies.
> Given all that has occured, why would you be suprised that 
> there were so
> few nominations?

Because I can't believe, not even for a moment, that people like Roeland
Meyer, Mikki Barry, Ellen Rony, Karl Auerbach, and so on, and so forth, are
giving up.

Because I can't think that all the people that have participated to these
debates in the last years, often providing their criticism, but often in a
constructive way, are now leaving the floor to the "yes-men" and to the
"no-men" (i.e. the people for which everything is fine, and the people for
which everything is broken, both categories of people having in common the
same lack of interest in what the situation "really" is, and how it could be

Because I can't accept that we renounce to have the possibility of having a
voice in the process for everybody, including the individuals that are not
part of any constituency, just because were not successful up to now.
