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Re: [ga] The WatchDog is... watching...

I nominate Joe Baptista.

Watch how I'm ignored . . .


At 12:25 PM -0500 12/1/99, Javier Rodriguez wrote:
>As a Watchdog member I have seen the next:
>- There has been a nomination for Roberto Gaetano.
>- Roberto has not accepted or declined the nomination, he is analyzing.
>- Some people has show concern about Roberto's role in international
>   governamental positions, and CORE positions.
>- Other fellow has said that Nii Quaynor has been nominated.  Just for
>   the record: I have not seen this nomination, but maybe is my fault.  So
>   I call all the members that if you want Nii Quaynor as a nominee then
>   there is few days to send this nomination (again I ask your pardon if
>   the nomination has been send and I have not seen it).
>- I have not seen any other *direct complaint* about the nomination process.
>   (Lets remember that we are in a "nomination time" and I am talking
>    about nominations... just that ;-)     ).
>The nomination time will end Friday, December 3.
>After the end of the "nomination time" there will be a "endorsement time".
>Yours truly,
>Javier Rodriguez
>Watchdog Committee Member
>Javier Rodriguez                     jrl@mail.lima.net.pe
>AXISNET                                    VicePresident
>Peruvian Association of Internet Users and ISPs
>Other duties: ECOMLAC      ISOC -PERU      IPCE