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[ga-roots] Told you so

I submitted this to the IAHC in 1996. They ignored it, and it's pretty much 
come true. This mailing list was created to address one of the specific 
issues described below:

From: http://www.iahc.org/contrib/draft-iahc-higgs-tld-app-00.txt

There is a trust issue at stake here. The voluntary acceptance of the
IETF/RFC authority structure by the internet community has ensured that
the domain name space, and the internet as a whole, have not become
divided or fragmented. Losing that trust invites organizations to build
incompatible standards, alternative DNS root servers, and ultimately
issue name space which is incompatible or duplicates the IANA delegated

Should the existing TLD applications not be processed, and the public
trust and confidence in the IETF/RFC authority structure be lost, the
repercussions will irrevocably damage IANA, and IAHC and it's
participating members ability to manage the namespace. As a result,
government intervention and uneccessary regulation and taxation will be
forced upon the internet community in order to resolve issues that
could quite easily be avoided now with a little diplomacy.

Simon Higgs
December 1996

Best Regards,

Simon Higgs

It's a feature not a bug...

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