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[ga] RE: [ALSC-Forum] ICANN: already two consensuses: still three more needed

Michael wrote:

>So, I must ask, what is going on within ICANN?  They have our money and our
mailing list and the ear of most of the press
>{read governments}.  They have usurped the constitutional authority of this
organization (ICANN) and answer to no one but

Incorrect.  They answer to us, and all the other Internet users planet-wide.
Every Government, every company, every NPO, and every man, woman and child
who uses the Internet to better their lives, or has others use it on their
behalf.  Whether they choose to listen to us or not.  And even if their
silence and indifference is the only answer we've received to date.  They
have the legal obligation under California law to include us, and a moral
obligation to the Internet community to do so.  I for one will continue to
call them on it until they do!

>When they are as quiet as they are (and have been) it makes me very, very

Myself as well.  But with Congress looking their way, the negative press
engendered by Mr. Lynn's outrageous proposal, and enraged disbelief
throughout the global Internet community -- who have taken to calling them
"AmerICANN" again! -- they may just be laying low hoping this will all blow
over so they can go back to business as usual -- what we called SNAFU in the
military!  But if all of us stay centered, avoid pushing each other's
buttons, and continue to work together to build concensus, we have an
opportunity to draw them to the center with us.

Bruce Young
Portland, Oregon
Support democratic control of the Internet!
Go to http://www.icannatlarge.com and Join ICANN At Large!

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