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RE: [ga] I want to be on the Inclusivbe Name Space SIG ML

Dear Dassa,
your points would be better made and constructive would you
consider the true nature of the things.

- the name space is the entire spaceof names that the human being
   may come with.

- that name space is distributed in various ways such as:
   - languages
   - indivudual names
   - trade marks
   On the distribution is the DNS acceptable strings which use a
   limited character set and a repartition in several levels. Its name
   should be "DNS name space", but the religion dispute between
   some made it named "inclusive name space" when refering to
   the whole of it and "legacy name space" when refering to the
   portion of it directly managed by the iCANN.

This is a mathematical analysis. You may want to change the
wording but you cannot change that there is a whole, a part of
that whole on technical criteria and a part of that sub-whole on
operationnal criteria.

I certainly accept that you may oppose to third parties to
operate part of the Inclusive Name Space and want it to be
exclusive to the iCANN. But to be understood and for your
points to be debatable better for you not to make the whole
a part of one its parts.

Also, you have mentionned that you understand that some
may want to make money out of the Name Space, implying
that non-legacy would target that. From experience this is
mostly the other way around: legacy TLDs look at their
bottom line (some time with big figures) while non-legacy TLDs
mostly look at their individual DN owners' freedom and best
interests.(when the ownership of the TLDs is notto the IDNHs



On 02:11 16/04/01, Dassa said:
>|> -----Original Message-----
>|> From: Roeland Meyer [mailto:rmeyer@mhsc.com]
>|> Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 1:59 AM
>|> To: 'dassa@dhs.org'; Ga
>|> Subject: RE: [ga] I want to be on the Inclusivbe Name Space SIG ML
>|> Do you realize that you are arguing for the uncontrolled
>|> fragmentation of the name space?
>The alternative name spaces introduced fragmentation when they set up
>their name spaces outside of the legacy system.  We have had it some
>time now.  It is a matter that will be resolved along competitive
>marketing lines.  I do not see the alternative name spaces winning
>out.  The approach has been too commercial in nature and not inclusive
>enough of the larger user base.
>However, if there is enough dissatisfaction with the legacy system the
>alternative name spaces may be able to maintain a healthy market share
>and remain viable.
>Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
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