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[discuss] [Fwd: [IFWP] The DNSO Names Council meeting tomorrow]

Jeffrey A. Williams
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

Mark and all,

  In that you ar a bit new to all of this, let me clue you in just a bit.
The truth of the matter(s) is that the DNSO and the ICANN do not
want to be open unless they are FORCED to do so.  That force
must come directly from the NTIA or the efforts of the stakeholders
themselves.  In that the NTIA has thus far chosen not to act in this
regard, it is left up to those interested Stakeholders to take the matter
in their own hands.  Hence my suggestion of the Parabolic Mic.

  Also, another hint for you.  The suggestion of the use of a
Parabolic Microphone was not made by me, JUST as a
suggestion....   I leave your immagination to figure out the rest...  >;)
Happy hunting!

Cthulhu's Little Helper wrote:

> On 24 June 1999, Jeff Williams <jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> >Patrick and all,
> >
> >  If you use a parabolic microphone you should be able to very adequately
> >pick all that is said in the "Closed-Door" meeting as well.  You can
> >pick up one of those microphones from several different places, I
> >would suggest that you get one form Radio Shack.  Cost is about
> >$200.   I have one myself, and it works very well even up to
> >over 400 ft away..   Just a suggestion...   >;)
> It's the only thing we could do, short of shoving a mic under the door.
> Now, I'm confused about something.  It's a closed-door session, but this
> persion from DNSO claims open access via RealAudio.
> I know this is the Valley and all, and we're all whiz-bang tech hotshots.
> But, let me ask this:  Those people waiting outside of B-1 for a chance
> to address the provisional council with respect to policies and
> administrative issues (e.g., the "A" group discussions that just took
> place behind closed doors)...short of hijacking the meeting and
> shouldering our way in, how are the people with the most access to this
> council supposed to become privy to the proceedings behind the door?
> It would seem that the provisional council has quite a set up here.
> They lock the doors so those people who potentially have the best access
> to question them later can't find out what they're talking about, while
> those who have access to the RealAudio stream are limited to sending e-mail
> and hoping it's discussed during the open session, and even then don't
> have real-time access to the people in the room.
> Ok...for those of you who're going, anyone have a laptop and a wireless
> modem?  That way, at least we could huddle around and catch what's happening.
> Personally, I'll have to miss the last 30 minutes of the stream because
> I'll have to leave work and drive down there.   Assuming our firewall will
> pass the stream.
> All of this really makes me wonder how open the provisional council really
> wants this to be?  At least if they'd kept the dial-in, we could just
> use landline or cell phones to stay current.
> *sigh*
> --
>  Mark C. Langston


Jeffrey A. Williams
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208