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[council] Transfers - Registrars vote

Bruce Beckwith, the VeriSign Registrar, has asked me to forward this e-mail
to the NC.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Beckwith, Bruce" <bbeckwith@verisign.com>
To: <philip.sheppard@aim.be>
Cc: <kstubbs@digitel.net>; <Paul.Kane@reacto.com>;
Sent: 26 October 2001 23:00
Subject: Re: [council] Transfers - Registrars vote


I noted that you sent the Names Council members a note regarding the
Registrar Constituency's "vote" on the transfer issue
<http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/council/Arc06/msg00244.html> ).

I draw your attention to the post on the Registrar's mailing list
<http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/registrars/Arc01/msg01394.html> ), where, in
reference to this "vote", on behalf of the VeriSign Registrar, I stated:

"...voter turnout is actually 33.6% of polled registrars (119 total on the
list below divided by the 40 who voted)...ICANN shows that there are 157
[registrars] which are accredited...isn't the voter turnout then really

"...we don't have accurate statistics for the votes within the constituency?
...how relevant is it to consider market share when analyzing the votes?

"With either the 33.6% or 25.5% voter turnout numbers, it can be concluded
that consensus has not been reached.

"The missing aspect of the vote noted below is that registrants, our
[registrar] customers, have not been polled."

To insure a balanced discussion by the Names Council, I request that you
forward this email to the NC members.  Please remember that there is NOT
consensus on the topic, nor, is the proposed agreement a sound agreement
since it is still missing some important aspects of consumer protection.

As noted previously by the VeriSign Registrar, there is a mechanism
available to all registrars for facilitating transfers when appropriate
consumer protections are in place, and specifically the VeriSign registrar
has signed three of these agreements to date, with several more being
reviewed.  For details please see
<http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/registrars/Arc01/msg00865.html> .

Lastly, please know that the VeriSign Registrar would be pleased to brief
the NC Task Force on Transfers on our views of the transfer issue.


Bruce Beckwith
VeriSign Registrar

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