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[council] ..and the voting technology

Amadeu Abril i Abril wrote:
> E) For this system to work, we cannot use "non simultaneous e.mail"as
> the only tool . We have to make sure that all membvers of NC are prsnt
> at certain given and predefined times available for "instant" votes.
Taking this into acocoutn, to which nobody has disagreed, here come my assumptions.

A) A telconf on Monday is needed. As we see, not everybody is willing
to devote some minutes to the NC during the weekedn. And, most
importantly, we MUST BE SURE that everybody ahs understood evrything
before we got the real fun started. We also need to have all people
gather together at the beginning, to have a try and revise the
schedule if necessary.

Tbis is why I think that a telcnf on Monday, usual time, is a must.

B) Getting closure.

We must be done by Friday. This is why I alos think that a telconf on
Friday, to make sure we all can discuss all remiang and unresoved
issues, is needed. At better, to certificate the results. At worst, to
organise the last rounds of votes for the third candidate during the
remains of the day....

Again, I think that a telconf on Friday, isań time is need.

C) and the rest of them....

What do do meanwhile? Some favour e.mail, which does not guearantee
results for a round within a short time, rahter needs to alow some
hours for each round,. Differnet working timezones makes things really
complicated: we cannot go for a new round until everybody has voted on
the previous.....

This is why the Secretariat aha scheduled a telconf each day. The one
on Wendesday would be the one for the seocnd electiuon (modnay being
the first and Friday the third). During such telconfs peopem could
vote either by sending e-mail to the Secretariat or by calling her
directly on a special phone line.

I for one, faovour chat or similar technoloiges. It also allows
knowing who is there and therfoer allows for planning sucessive
baloots and rounds. Elisabeth considers that this only would work if
everybody is really familiar with chatting software, and she thinks
not everybody will be. So her preference for telphone plys e-mail.

C) be aware that meetings on Tuesday and Thrusday (be that telconfs or
chats or whatever) are just a previson. If we are able to elct
onedirector per day, then those meetijngs ar not needed. and we would
have 48 hurs between first and second elections, instead of 24, as
well as between second and third.

My guess tis that we will need a couple of days at lest for the first
elction. Theerafter, with one choice already mae and all the nominees
form the same rgion eliminatd, things could go fater.

So the method has implications on the timescale. Pure, non-
simultaneous, e-mail takes too long. Telconfs (coupled with e-mail or
separate calls) is much simpler...and expensive. Chat is a good
compriomise, but we cannot risk holding elections with a system a part
of the NC is not familiar with (oh, I wanted to prosoe that we use the
previous weekend for testing purposes, but I should beter refrain....).

This is indeed still on the air. It does not affect the elections
itself, but hwo we should work. Only Elisabeth, Raul, Richard and
myselg have expressed views on that. All the rst are deemed to supoort
the Secretariat's proposal, as agreed ;-)) [I know, I know: we dont
feel obliged to abide to our own decisions.... ;-)]
