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Re: [wg-review] Education Multiligualism

In truth I am anoyed that we begin this not funded. The at large study gets how
much? but I have to beg for contributions. So I go kicking, biting and dragging
my feet, but I go and now there is no resistance.

I ask very specifically for help from the following sources and if I miss a name
or place it wrongly, please correct me.

Ms. Secretariate, I know you view me as lacking in social graces, but I beg your
lady like ability to forgive and help me.  I really need contacts for the
translators you use in the ccTLD group. From what i can tell they match the
professionalism of yourself and Mr. Thrush, and that is far better than I can
compete with.

Ms. Park,  I admit that I am so intimidated by your courage in fighting for
issues that scare many, that I am ashamed to ask for your help.  But your
constituency has resources that we all need.  Would you be so kind as to let them
have my address or let me have theirs.

Joop, what is the deal, how many languages can you help translate, step up I need

Jefsey, I refuse to look further than you for French, set me up with a translator
so we can get it in gear.(that is a car jargon that means to start moving)

(I am trying to figure who can help with New Zealander to English but I can not,
it is too hard)

Ms. Vany, I know that you are very over worked but could I impose upon you to
help design some concept for the differing and wonderful latin root languages.
this is hard because if I speak my Tiajuanese to a Pueblan I will get into

I had the wonderful pleasure of practicing my German, or lack therof of course,
when in Hanoi the person read my name and asked if it was German and of course I
said yes.  The interpreter who appeared could not speak English but we had a good
laugh and my grandpa Maier would be very happy.  A fellow minister said to me
today that "aren't all of our differences great", my only regret is that I may
not be able to visit and learn to love each one.

Alright, what I want is contacts so that I can go ahead and put some people
together so that we can come up with a plan to start implementing everything from

As I have stated again and again without objection, it is a non-issue of should
we the only issue is how should we.

Let us move forward.


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