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Re: [wg-review] The Number 1 Problem

On Fri, 5 Jan 2001, Kent Crispin wrote:

> the root of the problem.  The root of the problem is that despite the
> mandate from the white paper and elsewhere, there are those (Milton has
> expressed this view) who simply oppose the consensus model.  Karl
> Auerbach has been a much stronger opponent of a consensus model --
> here's a quote from the wg-d record:

Yup, I oppose "consensus" because it is a synonym for "tyranny of the

I support the determination of group opinion by the use of solid
procedures that include the placement of clearly articulated issues before
a clearly formed electorate who make clear votes that are counted.

As it stands, as a member of the ICANN Board of Directors, I am very
unlikely to give credence to any matter that comes out of the DNSO unless
I see objective data indicating that the DNSO has reached its conclusion
by something better than the hand waving that has to date been called

Take a look at:


My comments below are as valid as ever:

>     Why people wave "consenus" as some sort of high and mighty thing of
>     angelic goodness is beyond me.
>     I consider "consensus" to be synonymous with "not accountable" and
>     suggestive of back room dealings and hidden agendas.
>     Let's dispense with new-age warm and fuzzy thinking about
>     "consensus" and simply run the DNSO the way that normal community
>     groups, businesses, and governments work -- with well stated rules
>     of order and clear cut voting on clear cut issues.


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