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[wg-review] co-chair election system

Dear Chair,
1. as far as I understand the published nomination only concern the Booth. 
Could you publish a consolidated total including Booth and List.

2. it is perhaps's a little bit late, but we have a co-Chair election to 
carry and nominations to accept or refuse. To that end I think necessary to 
know what is the election system retained. We are supposed to proceed by 
consensus. You determined that you accepted a consensus by 51%, other said 
that we had to have 2/3rd. So will the co-chair be the Member getting the 
highest number of votes or should we use a more secure system as having a 
second ballot among the two Members getting the largest number of vice in a 
first ballot?

I apologize if a system has been already described. But We may into the 
risk that Nominees supporting the same ideas could compete together and 
would be defeated by a minority position.

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