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Re: [wg-review] 3. [Constituencies]

In a message dated 12/29/00 12:49:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
Mueller@syr.edu writes:

<< I will go a bit further and indicate who controls the votes. There is a 
longstanding axis composed of the IP, B&C, Registrar and Registry 
constituencies. The ISP constituency is also basically part of it. These 
groups have worked out a "consensus" among themselves as to what will and 
will not happen. >>

I am going to offer a real substantive comment here:  Please fix this.  I was 
not involved with whatever communication happened in Barcelona, Monterrey, 
Paris, or Washington that has resulted in this being the status quo.  But it 
is certainly clear that whatever the mechanism that was originally designed 
to be the crosscheck has failed.  As Bret Fausett indicated, I believe, it 
seems to me that there is no threat of repercussion for such back room 
dealings.  So, it continues.  This needs to be corrected.  Either this is 
being allowed to happen or the oversight committee (whoever that is) is 

I am not familiar enough with the depthness of the politcal structure (which 
seems ridiculous) or the entire specific history of this to offer to this WG 
what is necessary to change at this time.  Usually, I like to do this when 
posting 'a problem' that I see or one that I agree with.  But, this is a very 
tangled and complicated set-up, which is probably part of the overall problem.

Ray Fassett

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