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Re: [wg-c] compromise proposal

> John Charles Broomfield wrote:
> > Get real. Everybody else but you seems to agree that the overwhelming
> > attitude is to treat ccTLDs and gTLDs as separate beasts.
> Not true. I don't agree. ccTLDs are just proprietary registries. Their claim to a
> permanent right to a delegation has exactly the same status as NSI's claim to
> ownership of dot com.In every sense.

Re-read my message. I say that everyone seems to agree about what the
overwhelming attitude *is*, not that everyone agrees with the overwhelming
attitude. I believe there to be consensus, though not unanimity on treating
gTLDs and ccTLDs as different beasts, but in any case, this is outside the
scope of WG-C, as what we are tasked to do is about gTLDs.
I believe that Chris Ambler would also like to put
them all in one box, but he has acknowledged that this is a very minority
position. Yours is also part of this minority position.
I believe Chris to sincerely believe in that position, maybe you too. As far
as Tony, I have great difficulties in extracting him from his client NSI,
hence the tone of my message replying to him.

Yours, John Broomfield.