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Re: [wg-c] straw vote -- question one results & call for votes on

On 19 August 1999, John Charles Broomfield <jbroom@manta.outremer.com> wrote:

>	I'd like to know if everyone would be happy about the idea of adding
>a few right now, and looking at what that does INDEPENDENTLY of what/if/when
>we add later. Maybe some sort of question could be asked in that direction.
>Seeing from the answers that were given, there were a very small minority
>that seemed to say outright NO, but I'd like to confirm that. If most seem
>to agree with putting things in, regardless of the thought of how the long
>term scenario should be and all agree that it's safe to start with just a few
>and see how that goes, then maybe we can get consensus on the short term
>scenario, and then take it from there. Suggestions?

That's not a compromise.  That's an attempt to implement Question 1,
option 1 in the guise of a compromise.  

Mark C. Langston	     			Let your voice be heard:
mark@bitshift.org				     http://www.idno.org
Systems Admin					    http://www.icann.org
San Jose, CA					     http://www.dnso.org