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Re: [wg-c] Vote for Working Group Co-chair

Javier SOLA wrote:
> If you wish to vote for a co-chair for Working group C, please put an X in
> front of one of the two names below and answer to this mail with a Reply to
> All before midnight EST Wednesday July 28th.
> I vote for:
> [ ] Kent Crispin
> [X ] Jonathan Weinberger

Either of these candidates is acceptable to me. My tally of the votes so
far indicates that Jonathon Weinberger is in the lead, but, because of
the write-in for Eva Frolich, he does not have more than 50 percent. I
would prefer to see this process move forward, and cast my vote

And a word for Chris Ambler.

You were not forced to vote. Because of the elliptical way in which you
voiced your preference it's not clear that your vote should be counted,
or that you wanted it to count. The issue is close and people are
waiting. Do us all a favor, please, and just state your vote clearly. 

Craig Simon