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Re: [ifwp] Re: Users need to be able to speak for themselves(Was: Re:Position of SOs)

On Fri, 4 Dec 1998, Jeff Williams wrote:

> Alex and all,
>   It was for statewide and national.  Some local governments, city and
> county do this as well in Texas and quite a few other states.  
> Minnisota for example, is one that I am familiar with.  I am supprised
> how ignorant folks are of this myself.

They are probably ignorant of this because it isn't true, at least
according to the Office of the Secretary of State of Texas and the Federal
Election Commission.

Elizabeth Hanshaw (ehanshaw@sos.state.tx.us) states, "Texas does not have
internet voting".  When asked if they did in 1996, she said, "No, never".

Asked if there were any other states that allow voting over the Internet,
she said, "We know of no other states that uses Internet voting for
official voting.  You may wish to contact the Federal Elections Commission
at 1-800-424-9530".

The FEC states that one cannot vote in a national election via the

I am still awaiting a reply to my email to the Office of the Secretary of
State for Minnesota.

>   As far as how it works, to my knowledge it works just fine as long
> as you are pre registered.  What is rally needed is a web based voter
> registration system that is nation wide.  Of course each state will
> vary.  But if the USG model is used by states this may not be a big
> problem.

Yes, an international online voting registration system would be nice.  It
would require a b-i-g database, but I'm sure that INEG, Inc., would be
glad to design one, seeing as how they have experience in this field,
having designed NASDAQ's database, the SABRE database, and countless other
databases.  In fact, I would bet my bottom dollar that INEG, Inc., has
already designed and implemented this database and would be willing to
offer it to the Internet community pro bono.   Specs and designs for this
database are available, just email for details. 

>   It is for this reason that we see no barriers, contrary to the late
> Jon Postels contention, why this same process cannot be used in the
> Individual Membership Organization in the ICANN as well as any of the
> SO's, for that matter....

Well, there's one barrier.  The fact that it doesn't exist. 

Alex Kamantauskas
Tugger Networks